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Utilities: 3 Tips on How You Can Save For Your Household

When the leaves start changing colors, and the wind starts growing teeth, that’s when homeowners start shuttering their windows and hunkering down for winter. If you want to get through the cold season without spending an arm and a leg on your energy bills, though, here are some simple tips that can provide big savings. […]

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Home with Health-Conscious Improvements: Adding Value to Your Home

Having a Pinterest-worthy bathroom and kitchen is not at the expense of having a health-conscious living environment. In a world changed by a pandemic, it has never been a better time to think about adding value to your home while addressing health habits. On-trend faucets, sinks, tubs, showers bring new life to your home while […]

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Clogged Sewer Line: Three Reasons You May Have One

A clogged toilet is never a fun experience. While using a plunger may be enough to take care of the problem if it’s only minor, bigger plumbing issues that involve your sewage pipes will require the help of a certified plumber. While there are several reasons why you may have a clogged sewer line, here’s […]

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New Faucets or Appliances – Which Are Better Home Improvements?

Whether you are contemplating giving an uplift or preparing to sell your home, you want to consider investing in items that will provide your dollar with the most bang.  Many home improvements give aesthetic appeal, but don’t add the value you might expect.  Some renovations devalue or deter a prospective buyer from keeping your home […]

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Plumbing Aspects That Add Value to Your Home

Higher home value has several advantages that range from a higher sale value, high value if used as collateral, and enhanced convenience and comfort. Below are aspects of plumbing that get you more returns after installation. Undertaking Drain Repairs Periodic checks and repairs help you to monitor how your drains are working. Drain repairs help […]

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3 Laundry Room Features that Can Help Prevent Flooding

Whether you enjoy it or not, doing laundry is a necessity of life. We almost do it as an afterthought many times, forgetting that there’s always a potential for flooding when things don’t go right. Surprises happen, and you’re often left mopping up the mess. You can be proactive, however, in avoiding flooding in your […]

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Protect Your Home or Business and Prevent Flood Damage

Did you know that your knowledge and maintenance of the plumbing in your home or business is a critical part of storm preparedness?  Before the local waters rise or your city’s sewage treatment system is overwhelmed by torrential rain, there are some important things that you can do now to prevent flood damage during severe […]

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4 Bathroom Upgrades to Increase Safety

Just the mention of bathroom safety may conjure up visions of sterile institutional restrooms. Don’t worry. You don’t have to sacrifice beauty and comfort to get a safer bathroom. Safety features are available in a great variety of styles and colors. It’s not difficult to find options to fit your decor. If you’re planning to […]

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Does New Plumbing Increase Home Value?

New pipes significantly raise the resale values of homes for several important reasons. Unlike various cosmetic enhancements, this is a long-lasting improvement that protects the rest of the building from harm and potentially benefits the health of its occupants. Let’s take a look at some of the specific ways new plumbing can increase home value. […]

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Lower Your Water Bill With These 4 Easy Tips

If you’re trying to save money on your utility bills, a good place to start is with your water use. Even small water-saving steps can lead to significant savings every year. Here are four tricks to save water and lower your water bill. 1. Repair Plumbing Leaks to Lower Your Water Bill According to the […]

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