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Tag: save money

Lower Your Water Bill With These 4 Easy Tips

If you’re trying to save money on your utility bills, a good place to start is with your water use. Even small water-saving steps can lead to significant savings every year. Here are four tricks to save water and lower your water bill. 1. Repair Plumbing Leaks to Lower Your Water Bill According to the […]

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Save Money on Your Water Bill in 6 Easy Ways

It’s not difficult to reduce your household’s water use to save money on your water bill. Here are ideas to help you cut back on water use at home. 1. Wash with Full Loads You’ll use less water if you always wait until you have a full load of laundry to wash. The same principle […]

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Plumbing Tips for First Time Home Owners: 3 Ways to Save Money

Going from living in an apartment to owning your own home is a huge transition. As you go from relying on landlords to keep your location in good repair to relying on yourself, it becomes increasingly important to find ways to save money. Luckily, there are a few easy things you can do to save […]

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